Barefoot body training

Website Audit & Bespoke Website
Built on: Wix Studio

The Problem:

Beverley contacted me in Summer 2023 to book in for a Website Audit.

She had questions about her site, and was wondering if it was worth persisting with it, or starting from scratch with a new site.

  • Beverley was finding her site hard to manage:

    • It was taking a long time to update courses each year, manually creating new pages each time

    • Her customers couldn’t book her courses on the site

  • Some pages were very long, and content heavy - was that hindering the website’s performance?


stage 1: the audit

We kicked off with a review of the entire Barefoot Body Training website:

  • Analysed the Customer Journey and how someone interested in training with Beverley would navigate the website - identifying points of friction, and how easy it was to find key information

  • The relevance of the information shared to the audience viewing the site

  • Was the site working for Beverley or against her?

  • Traffic & drop offs

  • SEO

From this, I identified a list of key priorities to improve including the site structure to make more sense for a teacher wanting to learn from Barefoot Body Training, messaging to make it easier to build connection with Barefoot Body Training’s audience and more.

Beverley said “Do you think it would be worth starting from scratch?”

I replied, “in an ideal world… YES!”

stage 2: the build

We moved into my Bespoke Website Creation journey:

  • Starting with a Site Map to identify the key pages & structure

  • A homepage Mock Up & Wire Frame to guide the design

  • Identified pages that would require special treatment

    • Dynamic Page build for Courses - making it dead easy to quickly create & add new courses without manually building a new page every time

    • Bespoke customer journey for 200HR Teacher Training - with custom follow up pages & forms with workflows to keep working, even when Beverley isn’t.

Dynamic Pages

One of the key problems Beverley was having with Barefoot Body Training was the website being cumbersome; lots of information there that was hard to keep up to date - with each page having to be updated manually, by hand.

Every time a new course needed to be added, a new webpage needed to be created - which is time and energy consuming.

Enter Dynamic Pages to solve this problem!

A Dynamic Page is a page framework that is custom-built and linked to tagged items in a database.

Essentially, you put the key information into the datapage that powers the dynamic page… and BOOM, you’ve got a web page built, ready for your customers to use & buy from you!

I built Dynamic pages for Beverley’s Courses & Teachers pages - which automatically build themselves, the second Beverley inputs the key details. This saves her lots of time and stress, leaving her free to work in her business instead of drowning in buckets of admin.

Book A Course Page: Dynamic build in Wix Studio - to save hours of time, and effort.

Site Map Overview

Homepage Wireframes: V1 & V2 after colour palette refinement to add warmth

Bespoke Customer Journey

Most of Barefoot Body Training’s courses needed to be bookable online - except the 200HR Teacher Training, which is by application.

So, we had to get creative with a bespoke process to a) let people find out everything they need to about the course, b) kick off the application process and c) keep that journey in one place, so it is easy to manage.

I built in a custom application form which is seeded throughout the 200HR training section of the site as a call to action.

Each key area of the course has its own page - making the site a lot more navigable than previously, as around 60% of Barefoot Body Training’s traffic was coming from Mobile.

Once on the form, applicants can complete their details, which gets sent to Beverley in the Customer Management System of Wix - and then takes them on to a Custom landing page with a link to book their Course Interview and provides them with useful applicant resources.

The benefit? This totally removes the need for Beverley to be physically at her desk for someone to book a call with her or enquire about her trainings - meaning she can concentrate on teaching the next generation of yoga teachers, not admin.

the feedback & Results


Daleen Yoga - Case Study